What information would you consider most critical to present to potential investors

What information would you consider most critical to present to potential investors

You are to develop an essay answering the following questions. The essay is to be completed individually, and should be between two (2) and four (4) type-written pages, single-spaced, and include a coversheet identifying the pertinent student and course information.

 What information would you consider most critical to present to potential investors?

 What are alternative sources for funding a new venture other than Venture Capital? What are the “pro’s” and “con’s” of those sources?
 Is Venture Capital worth the effort?
 The law gives provisions on how to protect one’s intellectual property.

Can a small entrepreneur really enforce it?

 Are patents only attainable for large firms or should a start-up firm
consider obtaining one?


Answer preview What information would you consider most critical to present to potential investors

What information would you consider most critical to present to potential investors


1322 words