You are building an inventory application that keeps track of a DVD collection that someone has to keep track of their movies

You are building an inventory application that keeps track of a DVD collection that someone has to keep track of their movies

You are building an inventory application that keeps track of a DVD collection that someone has to keep track of their movies as well as if they have lent any movies to anyone to borrow or if they have sold any. Write a project documentation that addresses assumptions and dependencies: describe assumptions and dependencies with regard to other applications, hardware devices, etc. As well as a feature list: a bulleted list of features (with descriptions) that your app will provide and an identification of which UI screen each feature will be launched from.

Answer preview  You are building an inventory application that keeps track of a DVD collection that someone has to keep track of their movies

You are building an inventory application that keeps track of a DVD collection that someone has to keep track of their movies


369 words