What makes Oregon unique in its approach to Coordinated Care Organization? Why are states experimenting with different models of integrated care?

What makes Oregon unique in its approach to Coordinated Care Organization? Why are states experimenting with different models of integrated care?

Option #1: Case Study – Health Share of Oregon: A Community-Oriented Approach to Accountable Care for Medicaid Beneficiaries

Assignment Required Reading:


Review the case study by clicking on the link. Prepare a paper that answers the following questions.

What is an accountable care organization (ACO’s)?

What makes Oregon unique in its approach to Coordinated Care Organization?

Why are states experimenting with different models of integrated care?

Are ACO’s a viable model to reduce the rate of growth in per-capita Medicaid spending? Why or why not?

Answer preview What makes Oregon unique in its approach to Coordinated Care Organization? Why are states experimenting with different models of integrated care?

What makes Oregon unique in its approach to Coordinated Care Organization? Why are states experimenting with different models of integrated care?


1354 words