Describe two instructional strategies that you have used or want to try using to support English Learners in their reading or writing development.

Describe two instructional strategies that you have used or want to try using to support English Learners in their reading or writing development.

Part 1

Step 1:Review all module content and consider its connection to your own teaching or learning experiences.

Step 2:Respond to the following prompt in an original post that is between 200 and 400 words:

Describe two instructional strategies that you have used or want to try using to support English Learners in their reading or writing development. The strategies may come from your own experience, research, the course materials, colleagues, or anywhere. The goal of this is to use the collective experience and expertise of the class to create a bank of strategies that will be of practical use to you. To that end, do your best to contribute new strategies rather than ones others have shared already.

Please answer prompt using APA citations

Part 2

The Journal Reflections allow you to describe what you are reading, learning, and connecting to the objectives of the course and the SEI course frame work in each module in this course. You will respond to three prompts that deal with your active involvement with and active development with SEI issues course activities, readings, and team work.

Please answer each prompt thoroughly using APA citations.

Note that each journal reflection consists of responses to the three prompts listed below with a minimum of five (thoughtful and probing) sentences for each prompt.


What are the more important things you learned during the modules’ reading(s), tasks, and interactions? How do they relate to the course and SEI course frame work objectives?

What was something you already knew or had learned but it was reinforced during the modules’ reading(s), tasks, and interactions? How do they relate to the course and SEI course frame work objectives?

Write down a question or query you have concerning a topic(s) discussed or read during the week and consider how you might begin going about responding and/or answering it. How might this query relate to the course and SEI course frame work objectives?

Videos from this week’s lesson

Comprehension:Helping ELLs Grasp the Full Picture

Interactive reading of a story

Making text-to-text connections

Identifying evidence from the text

Learning about genre

Reading Basics with Fifth-grade Newcomers

Writing in First Grade

Writing Rubrics (example from 1st grade)

Writing a Cooperative Paragraph (Example from 2nd grade)

Using Sentence Frames to Jumpstart Writing (Example from 5th grade)

Articles from this weeks lesson

Crafting an Authentic Writing Instruction for English Learners

Improving Writing Skills: ELLs and the Joy of Writing

Teaching Writing to Diverse Student Population

WIDA Focus on Writing with a Purpose

Answer preview  Describe two instructional strategies that you have used or want to try using to support English Learners in their reading or writing development.

Describe two instructional strategies that you have used or want to try using to support English Learners in their reading or writing development.


617 words