How has my family background expanded or restricted my opportunities and life chances

How has my family background expanded or restricted my opportunities and life chances

How has my family background expanded or restricted my opportunities and life chances?

A socio autobiography reflective paper of a immigrant Filipino kid, she moved to United stated at the age of 16yrs and left her mother and joined her father and her stepmother and half sister. Joined the Army and started a life of her own and retired after 20 yrs in military service. Everything I own and I have is a fruit of hardwork and dedication. I was very successful in my military career, and become financially stable. Now starting a new career in nursing, while I was transitioning from the military I become a LPN. This is my life story and wanted to make it as a socio autobiography

Answer preview How has my family background expanded or restricted my opportunities and life chances

How has my family background expanded or restricted my opportunities and life chances


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