Review the chapter and PowerPoint materials and post a comment to the discussion board that picks one of the forms of harmful, illegal

Review the chapter and PowerPoint materials and post a comment to the discussion board that picks one of the forms of harmful, illegal

Review the chapter and PowerPoint materials and post a comment to the discussion board that picks one of the forms of harmful, “illegal‘ (highly dependent on nation and state of both the poster and viewer), or offensive content listed that you view as the most harmful, illegal, or offensive and explain why in three to five sentences

part 2:

, as discussed in an earlier chapter, the First Amendment prohibits nearly all limits on free speech and “free speech” includes pictures. Some of these punishing the sharing of “revenge porn” may not survive Constitutional scrutiny: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

For this chapter’s discussion, take a position on child pornography and revenge porn, how do we “fix” this problem? I recommend reading the links provided herein and then posting your analysis in 5-7 sentences .

Answer preview Review the chapter and PowerPoint materials and post a comment to the discussion board that picks one of the forms of harmful, illegal

Review the chapter and PowerPoint materials and post a comment to the discussion board that picks one of the forms of harmful, illegal


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