What are the independent and dependent variables? What other key (control) variables are identified?
You will complete Parts I-IV for each of your quantitative/survey research articles.
The issues you need to address are outlined below, and your critical analysis will be
approximately two typed pages for each article.
I.Theoretical Orientation.
What is the research question/topic? What theory is presented? Why is the research
important? What are the hypotheses?
1. What is the unit of analysis? What is the time dimension? What sampling procedure
was used? Was it appropriate for the research question/ the population under
consideration? Discuss the sample size (and demographic characteristics), and
2. What are the independent and dependent variables? What other key (control)
variables are identified? How are the central concepts defined and operationalized?
(Include the names/definitions, and indicators of each major concept.) Is the level of
measurement appropriate? How does the study assess reliability and validity?
III.Data Collection and Analysis Critique
1. What was the response rate, and does the author address the issue of nonresponse
bias? Do the questions asked of respondents (number, wording) adequately reflect the
Answer preview What are the independent and dependent variables? What other key (control) variables are identified?
3098 words