talk about biological aspects on human variation. you need to connect it to everyday life Just saying it is very relevant is not enough.

talk about biological aspects on human variation. you need to connect it to everyday life Just saying it is very relevant is not enough.

3 page double spaced page on human origins

talk about biological aspects on human variation. you need to connect it to everyday life Just saying it is very relevant is not enough.

Remember that the assignment is to relate biological anthropology, not general anthropology (including linguistics, cultural, etc.),do not talk about any of those in this paper. Pick 1-2 specific aspects of biological anthropology now remember you have to relate this to everyday life!!! you need to discuss and support your claims to why you think it is relative to your daily life. An idea you can talk about is human variation and relate it to everyday life or daily life in general. you can also talk about your place in the natural world, various aspects of race biology or the genetic basis of various physical traits. So you should just focus on the connections with biological anthropology.
Remember that the assignment is to relate biological anthropology, not general anthropology (including linguistics, cultural, etc.), to everyday life. So you should just focus on the connections with biological anthropology. In addition, most of your essay is pretty general. I suggest that you pick 1-2 specific aspects of biological anthropology and go into more detail about them. You really need to demonstrate what you learned in class and from the readings so saying it is really relevant or definitely connect i not enough, You need to discuss and support your claims with examples and discussion.
and the second paper she told me this
I see that you chose to focus on human variation. Bu you do not connect it to everyday life. Just saying it is very relevant is not enough, You need to support your claims. Also, what you have written is not very clear in terms of race or human biology. There have never been any pure races of humans and there is no biological basis of the racial categories we use today (or in the past). Humans vary physically because of geography, not because of race. It is a complex topic so you might consider rereading that section of class if you want to write about race.

Answer preview talk about biological aspects on human variation. you need to connect it to everyday life Just saying it is very relevant is not enough.

talk about biological aspects on human variation. you need to connect it to everyday life Just saying it is very relevant is not enough.


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