Students you will be responsible for developing a human resource plan for employees.

Students you will be responsible for developing a human resource plan for employees.

Students you will be responsible for developing a human resource plan for employees. Be very creative! This will be submitted to the CEO of the company for review. In this plan you we create an organization. Within this organization, the following will be included in the employee handbook:

Company’s Mission/Vision for employees — Discuss

Recruiting Procedures: Discuss/Address

Recruiting Methods (Internet, newspaper Ads, Career Fairs, etc.)

Indicate if you will be using outsourcing

Address Legal Issues

Managing diversity

Internal recruiting

Hiring protocol which is called a work agreement: Discuss/Address

Paid vacation, overtime, probationary period

Bonuses, salaries, benefits, etc.

Work scheduled (working days and hours)


Templates: Formulate samples

Sample Job description (p. 188) – include general phrase

Checklist of Hiring protocol (criminal background check, DMV record, References)

Sample performance evaluation

Sample news advertisement for position

Retention Issues—Address/Discuss

Managing Employee Turnover (Exit Interview/Employee Survey)

Retention management interventions (absenteeism/problematic areas)

Evaluation: Improve retention — How will you track information?

EEO Compliance- Sample/Discuss

Sample procedure for the EEO compliant process

Incorporate Equal Employment Laws


Sum up how this plan will be an effective measurement tool for the company

Writing Requirements

Use the APA template located in the Student Resource Center to complete the assignment

Discussion question

1. what about Performance Appraisals? What should companies do during this period of time? Should employees receive raises or increases? What are your thoughts?

2. Why is Training important? Without any training, how would an employee feel? you know any charismatic leaders? Are they good people or bad people would you say?

4.Do you agree? I wonder why more leaders are not considered transformational if the results are there? Or is it a skill that is not easily perfected do you think.

5.The federal government has investigated allegations that Walmart had engaged in bribery in Mexico, China, and Brazil. Walmart reacted with promoting internal policies aimed at ethical conduct. In 2014, Walmart issued a Global Compliance Program Report focusing on compliance in three areas: people, policies/processes, and systems. After implementing the program, at the end of the year, Walmart determined they had “achieved substantial progress.”

Do you think Walmart’s compliance-related performance standards, as described here, would ensure ethical conduct? Why or why not?

How, if at all, could Walmart apply these principles to strengthen its effort to promote compliance with legal and ethical standards?

Answer preview  Students you will be responsible for developing a human resource plan for employees.

Students you will be responsible for developing a human resource plan for employees.


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