What do you think your primary responsibility would be if a Category 4 hurricane had been forecasted to make landfall within 60 hours

What do you think your primary responsibility would be if a Category 4 hurricane had been forecasted to make landfall within 60 hours

1.If you were an Emergency Manager, what do you think your primary responsibility would be if a Category 4 hurricane had been forecasted to make landfall within 60 hours? Include in your answer information on preparedness, response and recovery. What organization within the DHS would be responsible for this mission?

2. What is the Homeland Security Act of 2002, how did it come about, and what did it do?

3. How and why was the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) established?

4. What are some of the components of DHS?

5. What role does collaboration play in the intelligence community, and what organization is responsible for collaboration among intelligence agencies? What makes the process difficult?

6.What is a Homeland Security Presidential Directive, how many have there been, and how have they contributed to homeland security in the United States?

7. What is the organizational structure of DHS?

8. What agencies were transferred to DHS upon its creation?

9.Describe the steps in the intelligence cycle. What is important about each step, and does the intelligence process always follow the cycle?

10. What role does the military play in the security community? Might they function as a bridge between the worlds of intelligence and law enforcement?

Each answer must be cited in APA format and referenced in APA format. Each answer must have a 100 word minimum.

Textbook(s) Oliver, W. M., Marion, N. E., & Hill, J. B. (2015). Introduction to homeland security: policy, organization, and administration. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Answer preview What do you think your primary responsibility would be if a Category 4 hurricane had been forecasted to make landfall within 60 hours

What do you think your primary responsibility would be if a Category 4 hurricane had been forecasted to make landfall within 60 hours


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