Different type of graphs and frequency distributions such as, frequency polygon, histogram, and bar graph.

Different type of graphs and frequency distributions such as, frequency polygon, histogram, and bar graph.

Please discuss, elaborate, and reflect on the following from chapters 2 & 3. Below listed are the important topics that you have to include in your discussions. Give examples and elaborate on the applications of the topic.

Chapter-2 Topics:

1. Simple versus Grouped distributions.

2. Different type of graphs and frequency distributions such as, frequency polygon, histogram, and bar graph.

3. Symmetrical, skewed, and bimodal distributions

Chapter-3 Topics:

1. Measures of Central Tendency; mean, median, and mode

2. When and how to use mean, median, and mode.

3. Determining skewness from mean and median

Answer preview Different type of graphs and frequency distributions such as, frequency polygon, histogram, and bar graph.

Different type of graphs and frequency distributions such as frequency polygon histogram and bar graph.


612 words