What do you believe has been a hindrance in your life

What do you believe has been a hindrance in your life

Chapter 7 questions: Based off of the information in this chapter, why do you believe that the chapter is titled “Connection to All Living Things?”……………………………… What do you believe has been a hindrance in your life? How will you move forward now understanding what you do of how hindrances effect relationships?

Chapter 8 questions: What was the most important information you personally gained from this chapter and why?

Note about assignment length: I am not super picky when it comes to assignment length—this because I mainly want to see that you are grasping and understand the material/readings; I usually do not have any issues with students writing succinctly and getting their point across. Sometimes less is more but I understand those who need “a page length” to strive for—here is a general guideline to follow:

This assignment should be about 1 – 2 pages or about 500 – 1000 words (Again remember, I am not doing word counts, I am looking for quality self-reflection and application)

Times New Roman 12 point font preferred.


Answer preview What do you believe has been a hindrance in your life

What do you believe has been a hindrance in your life


591 words