Machine learning in Healthcare, what are the positive implementation impacts, unintended consequences, and challenges involved in machine learning in clinical decision support systems.

Machine learning in Healthcare, what are the positive implementation impacts, unintended consequences, and challenges involved in machine learning in clinical decision support systems.

Machine learning in Healthcare, what are the positive implementation impacts, unintended consequences, and challenges involved in machine learning in clinical decision support systems.

This is a research paper/essay assignment[1] – you are not expected to conduct a research study (e.g., experiment or survey) BUT you are expected to support your ideas/arguments by consulting and citing credible and relevant scholarly literature. Cite at least 10 credible and peer-reviewed sources published in the last 5 years as evidence – this may include the 5 resources you identified for your Annotated Bibliography. By no means should the paper be a simple summary or review of the literature. Instead, it should demonstrate your ability to critically analyze the topic or problem area.

Parts of the Paper

Your paper should address the following content requirements. Below are guide questions to help you frame your paper – do not answer the questions in a lock-step fashion – write a comprehensive, cohesive and research-based paper to demonstrate your understanding of “Health Informatics”.

Introduction (no more than 500 words) – Provide a high-level overview of your research paper.

Research Focus: Briefly describe what your paper is about.

Research Questions/Objectives: List 2-3 research questions your paper seeks to address.

Significance – What is the significance of this area of investigation? What gaps in knowledge does your paper fill? Support your ideas with concrete and detailed facts, data or evidence from the research literature and provide adequate foregrounding.

Discussion (This section should be substantive and well-supported, and the longest section of your paper — at least 2000 words) – Develop this section as you see fit making sure you address all your main research questions. Fully develop your points and support your ideas with specific and concrete details. In your discussion, I will be looking for evidence that you understand concepts, theories and principles related to health informatics. You should also be able to demonstrate the ability to examine issues related to health informatics critically and substantively and draw support for your analysis from peer-reviewed research. Organize your ideas logically and use good transitions to aid your reader. Also, use subheadings to identify each sub-section and make it easier for your reader to follow your arguments.

Conclusions and Implications for Future Research (no more than 500 words) – Summarize your findings and present some implications for future research.

Lessons Learned (no more than 200 words) – Discuss at least three main things you learned from completing this course and how this will help you in your career.

List of References – You are expected to use at least 10 credible or peer-reviewed sources to support your ideas (you may have more than this number, but 5 of these resources should have been published in high quality peer-reviewed journals within the last 5 years).

Answer preview Machine learning in Healthcare, what are the positive implementation impacts, unintended consequences, and challenges involved in machine learning in clinical decision support systems.

Machine learning in Healthcare what are the positive implementation impacts unintended consequences and challenges involved in


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