Should the Affordable Health Care Act be modified

Should the Affordable Health Care Act be modified

Research Question: “Should the Affordable Health Care Act be modified?”

PURPOSE: For this assignment, you will compile six authoritative sources into an annotated bibliography. Guide to Annotated Bibliography APA format: This is a small-scale version of an annotated bibliography to familiarize you with presenting research; annotated bibliographies vary drastically in length. In it, you will practice evaluating and citing credible academic sources in APA format.The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate information literacy by organizing your sources and informing your reader of the quality and relevance of these sources. These sources will form the foundation of your argument. If you cannot provide evidence to the reader that they are authoritative, your audience will not be persuaded that your argument is correct. This assignment is worth 80 points.Please refer to the rubric for detailed scoring criteria.


• Think about aspects of your research question that still remain unanswered for you and search for sources to fill those gaps.

• Be selective in your choice of sources. Do not just throw any sources: books, articles, or other publications that are easy to locate into your annotated bibliography. You want your annotated bibliography to be a representative sample of publications that address the different aspects of your research question.

STEPS: The steps for this assignment are as follows:

1. Write your research question at the top of the document.

2. Select six authoritative sources.

• Three of the six sources you include must be journal articles (they can be review and/or research articles obtained through a library database or through an Open Access platform). Other sources can be from reputable websites, books, and other legitimate sources appropriate for academic research.

• It is highly recommended that you review sources you have selected for previous assignments and scan the references, works cited, and/or footnotes, if provided, to see whether they are still appropriate, and what other sources may be useful to track down. Note specific works and authors mentioned repeatedly since these may be seminal works or important experts to know about for your topic.

• DO NOT include encyclopedia or dictionary sources of any kind for this assignment. You would not use these in a formal, academic research essay.

• If you decide to include a webpage as one of your sources, be sure that you have thoroughly evaluated it to ensure that it is a legitimate source of information. For example, a report published by a government or non-profit agency would be considered an appropriate and credible source. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, The Congressional Budget Office, the Mayo Clinic). Should you have any questions about locating your sources, contact either your instructor or the Brandman librarians at Leatherby Library.

3. Write correctly formatted APA citations for each source. No plagiarism, cite sources used as needed.

4. Beneath the citation for each source, you must provide a four-five sentence annotation that address the following components:

* A summary of the source (one sentence—this is not the focus of the annotation)

* Your overall assessment or evaluation of the source (for this, use the CRAAP criteria) .

* How this source specifically addresses your research question (include any ideas it gives you for further research).

Answer preview  Should the Affordable Health Care Act be modified

Should the Affordable Health Care Act be modified


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