Conduct a search to find a leader in health care.

Conduct a search to find a leader in health care.

Conduct a search to find a leader in health care. As an idea, you might explore the websites of for-profit and non-profit organizations and find the bios of their CEOs. Select a leader in health care to further examine. Which leadership  theory best describes this individual’s leadership style? What is the rationale that supports your findings? Provide specific examples to support your response.

cite 2 references less then 5 yrs old and add at the end of the document.

Use the : MHA601 Library Research Guide (Links to an external

site.)Links to an external site. for help with locating a scholarly

source for this discussion. Your initial post should be at least 300

words. Support your response with a minimum of two scholarly


Health care management author- Frates

Answer preview  Conduct a search to find a leader in health care.

Conduct a search to find a leader in health care.


482 words