What is your Action Paper Topic?

What is your Action Paper Topic?


For this final paper assignment, you will first pick an issue or topic that we covered this semester that felt meaningful and interesting to you (this could include material from the mini lectures, information from the assigned readings, documentaries, podcasts, and/or additional materials introduced as part of your Reflection Papers).

What is your Action Paper Topic?
“Children growing up in poverty’( topic)

1) Explain what you knew about the topic/issue before the course, followed by a summary of what you learned about the topic in our class. Did talking about this topic in class change your mind or opinion in any major way? Or did it confirm or support your previous opinion/knowledge on the topic? Explain either way. Must be at least half a page, double-spaced

2) Explain how and why this topic is meaningful to you as an individual and as a futureprofessional. Why does it matter to you? Is there something specific about it that draws your interest? (You do not need to disclose sensitive personal information here about your own family and childhood experiences unless you want to.)Must be at least half a page, double-spaced

3) Next, look for resources on actions you can take and/or efforts you can participate in to help address the needs of families and children facing stressors fromyour chosen topic. For example, you may find resources on policy efforts, public or school programs, activist/grassroots movements, academic articles outlining recommendations for practitioners, direct action efforts, non-profit organizations, community-level efforts, public health initiatives, and so on. Think broadly, but make sure your source is reputable.

Share the link to the resource you have found:

4) What kind of resource did you find, and how did you find it? Explain the action you plan to take as recommended in the resource you have found. Be specific about what the action will be and how you will follow through with it. Is it a one-time action, or a sustained effort? Does it require a major amount of time, energy, money, or other resource on your part? Do you think it will be easy or difficult to accomplish this action? Explain.Must be at least 1 page, double-spaced

5) What need will this be addressing, directly and/or indirectly? How does the action helpfamilies and children? Collective and coordinated efforts are most impactful in affecting change. Explain how this action is supported by and supportive of larger, organized efforts to help families and children. Must be at least 1 page, double-spaced

Answer preview what is your Action Paper Topic?

What is your Action Paper Topic


1355  words