Choose three aspects of health and use a Venn Diagram to demonstrate how these aspects of health influence each other.

Choose three aspects of health and use a Venn Diagram to demonstrate how these aspects of health influence each other.

Venn Diagram

In the lesson for this section you learned about the five aspects of health. For your assignment you get to choose three aspects of health and use a Venn Diagram to demonstrate how these aspects of health influence each other.

Open the document below. When you have finished your assignment, save as indicated and submit it through the course. Click here for more information on submitting assignments.

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2.2 Assignment: Venn Diagram

Assignment: Venn Diagram

Answer preview Choose three aspects of health and use a Venn Diagram to demonstrate how these aspects of health influence each other.

Choose three aspects of health and use a Venn Diagram to demonstrate how these aspects of health influence each other.

663 words