Review the health care policy making process in the Denmark and how it influences the healthcare system at large.

Review the health care policy making process in the Denmark and how it influences the healthcare system at large.

The deliverable is in APA format.

Uses a minimum of 7 sources

Should focus primarily on the selected country and then compare it to the healthcare system in the us.

The paper may address no less than the following objectives.

Evaluate health care disparities in DENMARK in terms of race and ethnicity, gender, SES, geography, and sexual orientation.

Evaluate the effects of various political, economic, social, health, environmental, and resource factors on the health care system and health care policy.

Analyze the DENMARK health care system in terms the major health care system components, including third-party payers, providers, patients, medical device manufacturers, pharmaceutical organizations, regulators, and educational facilities.

Assess the roles and influence of different system stakeholders such as providers, patients, policymakers, and public and private third-party payers, especially in terms of health care reform efforts.

Evaluate the performance of the DENMARK health care system in terms of mortality, morbidity, patient satisfaction, costs, and quality of life indicators.

Compare and contrast the U.S. health care system with DENMARK health care systems

Review the health care policy making process in the Denmark and how it influences the healthcare system at large.

Answer preview Review the health care policy making process in the Denmark and how it influences the healthcare system at large.

Review the health care policy making process in the Denmark and how it influences the healthcare system at large.


2116 words