Consider catch shares and the negative aspects of this government intervention.

Consider catch shares and the negative aspects of this government intervention.

Consider catch shares and the negative aspects of this government intervention. add to your previous discussion of catch shares using what you have learned about how monopolists make pricing and output decisions and how and why market power is a problem. Include any other negative aspects of catch shares that you find through your own research.

Now put yourself in the role of a social advocate. Noting the problems you presented above, what solutions do you have to help protect society? Offer an alternative solution that addresses the issues you noted in part I and avoids the problems you noted in the first half of part II. Be creative, you are not limited to possible government interventions but should also consider potential interventions from other groups in society.

Note: This is the final part of the writing assignment. You must submit a completed paper with title page, introduction, body, conclusion, a graph, and bibliography page. The paper should breakdown the fishing market and problems within it, evaluate the current solution and it’s limitations, and propose an original contribution/potential solution.

(No changes need to be made to writing draft 1 and 2, just look at them to help you write this case study)

Please find the rubric for this assignment, part 1 paper and part 2 paper attached.

The paper should be in chicago style.

A graph regarding the monopolist pricing and output decisions should be included and explained briefly, must be drawn not obtained from google.


Answer preview Consider catch shares and the negative aspects of this government intervention.

Consider catch shares and the negative aspects of this government intervention. 

7 slides