Does your host company have in place a formal IT Governance framework

Does your host company have in place a formal IT Governance framework


Does your host company have in place a formal IT Governance framework? Some clues as to its existence might be that there is a Corporate Governance or IT Governance policy document; the corporate intranet might contain references to governance. Structures may exist, at higher levels that are the decision making bodies and which control activities in the company for all levels through delegated authority.

Describe your findings and compare them with those of at least 2 other classmates.

Write approx 250 words in your initial answer to this.

Note: smaller companies may not have such evidence in which case you should describe the process that exists to ensure efficiency, control and value as well as accountability and responsibility.


Answer preview Does your host company have in place a formal IT Governance framework

Does your host company have in place a formal IT Governance framework

278 words