Identify and describe a potential stretch goal

Identify and describe a potential stretch goal

•Identify and describe a potential stretch goal

–A mental model you have for the future of society

•I am not looking for some personal goal (for example, getting rich) – rather, something that will change the world

•One that you currently do not know how to accomplish, and even if you do, you do not have the resources to undertake the task.

•What motivates your interest in this goal?

•With this goal in mind, and given your current situation, develop a strategy for selecting projects in the immediate future.

•Describe possible side project options based on your selected strategy

–Possible small relevant wins you could undertake,

–Possible small “irrelevant” wins you could undertake

–Possible small loss bets you could undertake

Answer preview Identify and describe a potential stretch goal

Identify and describe a potential stretch goal


1124 words