What are some aspects of globalization and capitalism that have contributed to the economic abuse of children in developing countries

What are some aspects of globalization and capitalism that have contributed to the economic abuse of children in developing countries

Scenario: While reading a news article on your favorite athletic shoes, you are surprised to learn the company uses child labor in Pakistan. Living in the United States, it is hard to imagine children working in factories.

What is child labor? According to Fairtrade International, child labor is “work that is harmful to a child’s physical and mental health and wellbeing, and/or interferes with their education, leisure and development” (2017). The exploitation of child labor continues to be an enormous human rights issue in much of the developing world. Please review the following sites before beginning the assignment:

International Labor Organization Statistics on Child Labor

Human Rights Watch

Focus your discussion on the following:

What are some aspects of globalization and capitalism that have contributed to the economic abuse of children in developing countries?

In your opinion and based on your research, what can be done to end this problem?


Human Rights Watch. (2017). Children’s rights. Retrieved from https://www.hrw.org/topic/childrens-rights

Fairtrade International. (2017). Child and forced labour. Retrieved from https://www.fairtrade.net/pl/programmes/child-labo...

International Labour Organization. (2017). Child labour. Retrieved from http://www.ilo.org/global/topics/child-labour/lang…

Answer preview What are some aspects of globalization and capitalism that have contributed to the economic abuse of children in developing countries

What are some aspects of globalization and capitalism that have contributed to the economic abuse of children in developing countries


841 words