Write essay on global warming.

Write essay on global warming.

Write essay on global warming.

Part A –

APA format

Write a page and half that focuses on what happened in the past with your group (We did this well, we struggled with this, etc.)

Include one source – review your power points for theories that can help explain what happened in the group (social exchange theory, fundamental attribution error, costs and rewards, etc.) or look at other theories through personal research (make sure to cite them and include in works cited page)

Theories used from lecture can use this citation – Hamilton, C., & Creel, B. (2016). Communicating for Success. New York, NY: Routledge.

Part B

APA format

Write a page and a half that focuses on what you will do different for a future group project

Include one source – look at chapter nine in power points that focuses on group development (focus on a stage of group development that you will do better at (“In the norming stage we will focus more on…..”) or look at other theories through personal research (make sure to cite them and include in works cited page)

Stages used from power points can use the citation – Hamilton, C., & Creel, B. (2016). Communicating for Success. New York, NY: Routledge.

6 hours ago

school essay school global warming

we need to write essay on global warming for speech

first we need to write about our struggle on our 1st speech . X,Y,Z are in group our 1st speech was about early life ,achievement and current work of three famous stars of Hollywood including Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Cruise and Angelina Joile. you can write our struggle on our 1st speech like difficult to find topic, research and many more.

on second part we need to write essay on global warming by depeloped problem, developed solution and use of persuasive language.essay should be 5 page

Answer preview Write essay on global warming.

Write essay on global warming.


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