How do geography and environment affect society? Use examples to show how geography and environment affect civilizational development.

How do geography and environment affect society? Use examples to show how geography and environment affect civilizational development.

Answer the following question.

* Based on chapters 1-5 of the textbook.

The textbook: Cultures of the West: A History, Vol 1: to 1750. Clifford R. Backman. 2nd edition. ISBN: 9780190240462

* Your essay must be at least 300 words in length not including citations.
* You must use citations (tell me from what source and page you got your information). Footnotes, endnotes and in-text citations are all acceptable.
* You must use at least three of the “Who, What, Where” (key terms) that are found in your textbook (in the review section). You can choose any three terms you like. Your terms should be bolded.
* You must also discuss at least one primary source from class in your essay.
* You may use your notes, textbooks, PowerPoints, and any other material from class. You may NOT use any other sources including the internet.

Essay: How do geography and environment affect society? Use examples to show how geography and environment affect civilizational development.

Answer preview How do geography and environment affect society? Use examples to show how geography and environment affect civilizational development.

How do geography and environment affect society? Use examples to show how geography and environment affect civilizational development.


407 words