Explore what happens to the game across the different numbers of players

Explore what happens to the game across the different numbers of players

In the last module you chose a game that involved math. In this module you will need to explore the game pieces that are most important to the game: the players! Every game has a set number of suggested players, which could be anywhere from 2 to 4 or possibly 5 to 13 players.

Your job this week is to explore what happens to the game across the different numbers of players, including but not limited to how it plays, how resources are utilized (or taxed), length of game-time, and the nature of player interactions.

Based on all of this information and analysis, decide what you feel is the optimal number of players to have the fairest, most fun time with the game.

The game i chose was pool!

Answer preview Explore what happens to the game across the different numbers of players

Explore what happens to the game across the different numbers of players


365 words