What decisions are determined if any? Why? Give an example.

What decisions are determined if any? Why? Give an example.

1. What decisions are determined if any? Why? Give an example. What decisions are genuinely free if any and why? Give an example.

Solomon on Freedom week 9 p. 231-242

2.What are the 2 principles of justice for John Rawls? What policy could reduce inequality? Does this policy interfere with individual liberty? If so or if not, why is that the case?

Solomon on Justice week 11 p. 294-297

3. Given the egocentric predicament how can we know if there is an external world or not? If so, how? If not, why not?

Solomon on Self Week 7 p.194-196 and Truth Week 13 p. 152-154, 168-169

6freedom_week9 justice_week_11 self_week_7

Answer preview What decisions are determined if any? Why? Give an example.

What decisions are determined if any Why Give an example.


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