Explain the difference between civil and criminal work in forensic psychology.

Explain the difference between civil and criminal work in forensic psychology.


A forensic psychologist works within the legal profession or court system, either in criminal or civil law or both.


Explain the difference between civil and criminal work in forensic psychology.

Describe the role of psychologists in civil court, and then describe the role they play in criminal court. What similarities and differences do you see in these roles?

If you were to choose a role, would you prefer to be a civil or criminal forensic psychology professional, and why?

Special Instructions:

Create a 1 page essay in APA format according to the instructions above. Use 2 scholarly sources for references. Utilize in-text citations.

Answer preview Explain the difference between civil and criminal work in forensic psychology.

Explain the difference between civil and criminal work in forensic psychology.

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