Student will analyze and prepare a 7-day diet using a computer nutritional program and make modifications towards a nutrient rich diet.

Student will analyze and prepare a 7-day diet using a computer nutritional program and make modifications towards a nutrient rich diet.

Food analysis: You will be required to complete a week’s of intake journaling: week 9 or 10. You will be required to analyze your intake using any diet analysis tool for this week. Take a look at the nutritional goals you set after week 3/4’s analysis.

You may use any free diet analysis tool you like: phone apps or online tools, such as,,, or,.

Complete a 1-2 page refection paper due week 11 to address and compare your before and after results (15 points for each week analysis and 15 points for your reflection paper, for a total of 60 points). The reflection paper must contain the following:

Student will analyze and prepare a 7-day diet using a computer nutritional program and make modifications towards a nutrient rich diet.

Answer preview Student will analyze and prepare a 7-day diet using a computer nutritional program and make modifications towards a nutrient rich diet.

Student will analyze and prepare a 7-day diet using a computer nutritional program and make modifications towards a nutrient rich diet.


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