When analyzing financial statements and discussing costs, would you prefer to use percentages or contribution margins when developing your strategy

When analyzing financial statements and discussing costs, would you prefer to use percentages or contribution margins when developing your strategy

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When analyzing financial statements and discussing costs, would you prefer to use percentages or contribution margins when developing your strategy? Which will give you the larger percentage of profit? Which might make you increase the gross profit? Explain your answers.


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What part of the standardized cost cards could be computerized? What other back of the house or kitchen functions could be evaluated by using cost card software?


This is soul food restaruant called Hevenly

Write a two- to four-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) describing the importance of cost and pricing analysis to your selected restaurant. The paper should explain the following topics and how they will be applied in your restaurant:

Recipe and cost cards

Menu engineering

The four key menu categories: stars, plow horses, puzzles, and dogs

How to make decisions

Menu scoring

Which markup method you will use

Computer applications

Answer preview  When analyzing financial statements and discussing costs, would you prefer to use percentages or contribution margins when developing your strategy

When analyzing financial statements and discussing costs, would you prefer to use percentages or contribution margins when developing your strategy


1753  words