Explain the practices of internal financial accountability that help prevent fraud and/or deficit spending

Explain the practices of internal financial accountability that help prevent fraud and/or deficit spending

Explain the practices of internal financial accountability that help prevent fraud and/or deficit spending. Outline how such a program should be designed. ( 400 word minimum count. Cite sources. Sources must be scholarly & within the past 7 years. include references)

2.How does political oversight of correctional programs and operations relate to the institutional budget? In an essay explain the rationale for oversight by external lawmakers who know very little about the intricacies of correctional management…and why this is important for appropriate stewardship of public funds.ow does political oversight of correctional programs and operations relate to the institutional budget? In an essay explain the rationale for oversight by external lawmakers who know very little about the intricacies of correctional management…and why this is important for appropriate stewardship of public funds.( 400 word minimum count. Cite sources. Sources must be scholarly & within the past 7 years. include references)

3.How far do you believe government – correctional authorities – should go to extend inmate medical care within a prison or jail? Should inmates with HIV infection be provided with the very expensive HIV medication? Should inmates be eligible to receive an organ transplant if it is a matter of life or death? In an essay, please explain your logic.( 500 word minimum count. Cite sources. Sources must be scholarly & within the past 7 years. include references)

Answer preview Explain the practices of internal financial accountability that help prevent fraud and/or deficit spending

Explain the practices of internal financial accountability that help prevent fraud and/or deficit spending


1736 words