Summary of what you learned/saw in this show that directly relates to in Entrepreneurial Finance.

Summary of what you learned/saw in this show that directly relates to in Entrepreneurial Finance.

Deliverable: Minimum 350 word summary of what you learned/saw in this show that directly relates to in Entrepreneurial Finance.

Note the exact episode being viewed;

Specifically describe at least three things in the Episode that directly relate to what we have been studying in EF this semester, and how they support/agree with, or contradict/disagree with, our course content. Grading will focus on demonstration of critical thinking (accuracy, logic, clarity of communication).

Writeups must be written and proof-read to meet business correspondence standards (correct spelling, grammar, vocabulary usage, punctuation, etc.)

_bus_173c_syllabus_fall_2018_v2 (2)

Answer preview Summary of what you learned/saw in this show that directly relates to in Entrepreneurial Finance.

Summary of what you learned saw in this show that directly relates to in Entrepreneurial Finance.


389 words