Choose a film from the Films of the Week in the module resources that will be the focus of your initial topic post

Choose a film from the Films of the Week in the module resources that will be the focus of your initial topic post

3-1 Discussion: Modernism in Early European Film: Metropolis (Lang, 1926) (2:29:41) Battleship Potemkin (Eisenstein, 1925) (1:11:43)

Initial Post due – Sept 19: Choose a film from the Films of the Week in the module resources that will be the focus of your initial topic post. Then answer one of the following prompts:

How is the film you selected different from the classic Hollywood style that you learned about in Module Two?

Consider potential relationships between the film you chose and concurrent art movements.

Peer Posts due – Sept 22: Compare and contrast your ideas with your classmates. Make sure to ask insightful questions, expand upon a point, or bring in a different view in your response to make the topic more robust. Where possible, try to respond to classmates who chose a different prompt option or film than the one you chose.

4-1 Discussion: Sound After Silence: Will provide details when the topic is released.

Initial Post due – Sept 26

Peer Posts due – Sept 29

5-1 Discussion: Europe Versus Hollywood: Will provide details when the topic is released.

Initial Post due – Oct 3

Peer Posts due – Oct 6

6-1 Discussion: New Technologies and Hollywood Transformations: Will provide details when the topic is released.

Initial Post due – Oct 10

Peer Posts due – Oct 13

7-1 Discussion: Art Cinema and World Film Alternatives: Will provide details when the topic is released.

Initial Post due – Oct 17

Peer Posts due – Oct 20

8-1 Discussion: Construction of Identity and Personal Meaning: Will provide details when the topic is released.

Initial Post due – Oct 24

Peer Posts due – Oct 27

Final Project:

3-2 Final Project Milestone One: Topic Proposal: Submit your Final Project Milestone One: Topic Proposal. This assignment requires you to look over the List of Great Films, choose one of the films on the list, and propose your topic by clearly identifying the major comparative element and main question you will focus on in your paper. The main question you ask should lead to the creation of your thesis statement in this assignment. The clearer your main question, the more apparent your thesis statement will become. Post your proposal to the Final Project Milestone One: Topic Proposal topic. Due Sept 22

7-2 Final Project Submission: See Rubric. The rough draft is due on Oct 6th I will share feedback provided by the instructor in week 5 on October 8th so revisions can be made.

Answer preview Choose a film from the Films of the Week in the module resources that will be the focus of your initial topic post

Choose a film from the Films of the Week in the module resources that will be the focus of your initial topic post
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