Describe a situation from a television show or a film in which an unethical behavior occurred.

Describe a situation from a television show or a film in which an unethical behavior occurred.

“Describe a situation from a television show or a film in which an unethical behavior occurred. Who was involved?  What were the results to others of the unethical behavior?  Have you seen this kind of situation before in other shows or films?  Does this represent “art imitating life” or “showing what sells?”

“Do you think the media is being responsible in the way it reports the ethical behavior of individuals and organizations?”

“Does the media teach ethics in their story lines? What kind of ethics do they teach?”

“In addition to outright unethical behavior, what are the other ways in which business contributes to the image of “profit first”?”


Answer preview  describe a situation from a television show or a film in which an unethical behavior occurred.

Describe a situation from a television show or a film in which an unethical behavior occurred.


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