Is prenatal screening for Down Syndrome a form of eugenics? Should disabled people be “screened out”?

Is prenatal screening for Down Syndrome a form of eugenics? Should disabled people be “screened out”?

Is prenatal screening for Down Syndrome a form of eugenics? Should disabled people be “screened out”? Use your sociological imagination to discuss this ethical dilemma. As a part of your answer, you should briefly discuss the history of eugenics in America, define deviance (see Newman) and discuss the identification and control of deviance in social life, and describe the social process of prenatal screening for Down syndrome. When formulating your answer, draw from the textbook and the Thomas and Rothman article.

Answer preview Is prenatal screening for Down Syndrome a form of eugenics? Should disabled people be “screened out”?

Is prenatal screening for Down Syndrome a form of eugenics? Should disabled people be “screened out”?


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