Eyewitness identification becomes less accurate when the witness is of a different race or ethnicity than the suspect.

Eyewitness identification becomes less accurate when the witness is of a different race or ethnicity than the suspect.

Eyewitness identification becomes less accurate when the witness is of a different race or ethnicity than the suspect. Create an annotated bibliography regarding research on this topic. You should locate ten (10) articles and complete 150-word descriptions that include the following: (a) author’s credentials; (b) intended audience of the article; and (c) reasons why the article is relevant/helpful.

A Costly Mistake
Visit the Innocence Project page that discusses eyewitness identification, making sure to watch the embedded video. Based on the information provided by both the victim and the police officer, analyze the problems in identifying the suspect. Explain the reasons that the eyewitness may have falsely identified Mr. Cotton. Evaluate the police lineup procedure. Where were the problems, and what could have been done differently? Please write no more than two (2) pages, using APA format

Answer preview Eyewitness identification becomes less accurate when the witness is of a different race or ethnicity than the suspect.

Eyewitness identification becomes less accurate when the witness is of a different race or ethnicity than the suspect.


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