What are the causes of this problem, or what led up to this policy/law?

What are the causes of this problem, or what led up to this policy/law?

Drunk Driving in Michigan

Written Portion:(Individual Assignment)(Ref. page) (APA style)

Define issue/problem. What are the causes of this problem, or what led up to this policy/law? What group of people is most affected by this problem? Why? How are they affected? What are the potential risks to society and to the people affected by this problem if we fail to address this issue?

What values and ethics of criminal justice are involved in this problem? What do your sources of information tell you about the problem? What different viewpoints and perspectives are presented? What are some ideas to resolve the problem?

Answer preview what are the causes of this problem, or what led up to this policy/law?

What are the causes of this problem or what led up to this policy law


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