First, give examples of at least three qualities associated with utilizing your own academic voice.

First, give examples of at least three qualities associated with utilizing your own academic voice.

Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) is essentially about the explanation of information in one’s own voice, avoiding copying and pasting other’s exact thoughts (as direct quotes or otherwise). This practice also gives credit to the authors/resources that supported the development of insight through properly citing within your paper. Although using direct quotes is allowed, it should be sparingly practiced, only to strengthen and support arguments fully made by oneself. Hence, developing an awareness of the importance of this skill will help you to become better at sharing what you have learned, and can also decrease the stress that can be associated with writing assignments. Less stress can equal increased success!

For your journal you will be reflecting on your own understanding of how to maintain ethical writing throughout your academic journey, as well as your future goals.

To complete this activity,

First, give examples of at least three qualities associated with utilizing your own academic voice.

Next, relate at least three strategies for utilizing your own academic voice in discussions and/or assignments.

What can you do right now to help you avoid accidental plagiarism?

Finally, explain how ethical writing skills will be relevant to your own educational and career journey.

What implications could occur if you are accused of plagiarism, even if accidental? As noted by the article, How Cutting and Pasting Can Lead to Plagiarism (Links to an external site.)this can be a challenge, even for seasoned writers, so being aware of ways to avoid it, is highly applicable to your success.

Answer preview First, give examples of at least three qualities associated with utilizing your own academic voice.

First, give examples of at least three qualities associated with utilizing your own academic voice.


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