This week you were introduced to environmental science.

This week you were introduced to environmental science.

This week you were introduced to environmental science. With some of your background knowledge, and what you have learned from your readings, consider the following statement:

The world will never run out of resources because we can use technology to find substitutes; this will help us reduce resource waste.

Do you agree with this statement? Explain your position.


Yes, we will eventually run out of resources if we do not take steps to restock the earth and or use alternate resources. The earth only has some much oil that we can harvest. Automobiles and engines use oil, if we do not strive to create cars or engines for that matter that can run on something other than oil then we will be forced to when there is no more oil. Finding ways or substitutes is the key as far as oil is concerned; not so much with food. We eat GMO foods that we have been lead to believe are good because they can be used to create new foods and or help crops grow. I believe we are robbing Peter to pay Paul. Causing diseases that kill people and causes birth defects in the name of producing more.

 Answer preview This week you were introduced to environmental science.

This week you were introduced to environmental science.


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