Finding ways to make Isla Vista a more eco and environmentally friendly place through Organizing and Outreach.

Finding ways to make Isla Vista a more eco and environmentally friendly place through Organizing and Outreach.

Finding ways to make “Isla Vista” a more eco and environmentally friendly place through Organizing and Outreach.

Minimum 500 words

Must include a introduction, body, and concluding

  • Ambassador system, get a bunch of students to spread word by mouth-similar to block. Get friends on board

Online platform- online forums or DIY videos, Facebook group. Become the resource so people know where to reach out to. Email to all students about groups

We only found out about Eco Vista because of this class- maybe add more classes that discusses EcoVista

School and community outreach, co-op and parks and rec

Incentives- internship, community service

Isla Vista currency, people do good acts and that gives them currency to use (will be difficult though). Farmer’s market near Costco does this

Fun events, family related, food, get educated, prizes

Target toward family community because they stay here instead of leaving every four years

Spread to schools, get people involved who have children

More meetings so people who work during the day can come, offer more meetings

Show films at IV theater about climate change, offer extra credit to classes

Ucsb students in clubs need points for funding, could implement more community based events for points. Support community more than other club teams

Tapping into Gaucho FYI, include more about Isla Vista in general

  • Social media

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Here are some extra notes:

Outreach and Organizing

UCSB Students in Isla Vista

-Eco party


-compostable plastics ar

-devise a way to advertise skill sets


-Local business



-“Eco Vista approved” sticker

-incentive-reward system

-promote local businesses, prevent corporate overtaking

-educating about the importance of local business

-student discount

-Greek Life

-Greeks go green

-eco competitions

-encourage volunteering

UCSB Campus Outreach

-reusable, compostable materials

` -continuity between campus and IV

-shared currency

-employing UCSB students (financial or volunteer)

-ie: app creation, website creation

-a program like GauchoFYI to promote environmental awareness

-classes that pertain to Eco Vista; Eco Vista curriculum in the classroom

-showing films in IV theater about Eco Vista or environmentalism, connect w classes to offer extra credit

Non-student Community Outreach

-community center

-bring students and non-students together

-gardening workshops and sustainability workshops

-hosting community events to understand the needs of non-students

-environmental ed at IV elementary

-emphasis on families

Like-minded coalitions

-make Eco Vista the umbrella for all environmental clubs?

-offer services that connect groups

→ lots of overlap and interconnection with campus orgs of all disciplines (community-oriented, utilizing all the various skill sets/interests of our diverse student body)

-not limited to just environmental groups, rather all justice groups

Outreach Ideas:

Outreach Strategies


Social media presence

Go fund me ( will be used to fund our events)

Local food (community gardens)

Face to face interaction (local networking)

Door to door flyering/ inviting people to the open mic.

Organizing and outreach

A: Non-student community outreach

B: Building Eco Vista among UCSB students –

Student outreach: Get people knowledgeable and excited! Also understand the desires of UCSB students and match that

More classes across majors discuss what EcoVista is and how to get involved.

With Gaucho FYI, include more about info about living in IV in general, it’s history, how to take care of it, and discuss organizations like EcoVista.

Implement more community based events for points within clubs and greek life. Support community more than other club teams (ex: encourage members to volunteer 2 hours with Eco Vista rather than sit and watch a baseball game).

Show films at IV theater about climate change and offer extra credit to classes who attend for incentive.

Putting posters around campus and sending student wide emails.

Nonstudent/other: Support our community and meet everyone’s needs!

Offer more meetings of EcoVista so people who work during the day can attend (maybe after 5pm, on the weekends, or online forum).

Fun events in IV that have food, prizes, etc while educating people in our community

Social Media to create an online platform on Facebook so people know where to go if they have questions or want to get involved with the community.

Gardening and sustainability workshops.

C. Relations with other Isla Vista organizations –

Work with already existing non profits, service groups, and organizations in Isla Vista like the Isla Vista Recreation and Parks District and Isla Vista Food Cooperative to include the whole community of I.V including families and students

Collaborate on projects and events such as Adopt- A-Block / clean up projects with the I.V. Recreation and Parks District and sell the food grown at local gardens at I.V. Food Co-Op

Educate community on Eco Vista and the climate crisis in general at organizations who already aim at educating the young and others

Answer preview Finding ways to make Isla Vista a more eco and environmentally friendly place through Organizing and Outreach.

Finding ways to make Isla Vista a more eco and environmentally friendly place through Organizing and Outreach.


620 words