Find a financial article on assigned topic and write a summary of the article

Find a financial article on assigned topic and write a summary of the article

Find a financial article on assigned topic and write a summary of the article in no less than two pages that relates to topic covered in the text book. You can choose any articles from HBR, Wall Street Journal, The Economist etc. Please include the article you have chosen in the references.

Assigned topic from Textbook – Agency Problem in Corporate Finance
Chosen article for Report writing – Enron Scandal article

I have chosen Enron scandal as a example for Agency problem topic and has included some links below that might help you understand the topic and has chosen the Enron article from Investopedia for the report writing.

Enron Article for the report:…

Agency Problem topic reference:…

Fall of Enron:

The collapse of energy giant Enron in 2001 showed how catastrophic the agency problem can be. The company’s officers and board of directors, including Chairman Kenneth Lay, CEO Jeffrey Skilling and CFO Andy Fastow, were selling their Enron stock at higher prices due to false accounting reports that made the stock seem more valuable than it truly was. After the scandal was uncovered, thousands of stockholders lost millions of dollars as Enron share values plummeted.

 Answer preview Find a financial article on assigned topic and write a summary of the article

Find a financial article on assigned topic and write a summary of the article


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