If you were the CEO of a company, what would you do to your compensation and benefits plan to make it effective in aligning employee behavior

If you were the CEO of a company, what would you do to your compensation and benefits plan to make it effective in aligning employee behavior

If you were the CEO of a company, what would you do to your compensation and benefits plan to make it effective in aligning employee behavior and performance with the needs of the enterprise? Additionally, please read the article in the “Readings and Resources” section above on performance evaluation and share your views – pro and con – on eliminating such reviews.Use the following resource to assist you with your response for Unit 5.1 DB: Employee Engagement.

4 mins ago

school human resource management school compensation school Compensation and Benefits school Employee engagement


CourseSmart Textbook:

Milkovich, George T., Newman, J. M., & Gerhart, B. (2014). Compensation (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Chapter 9 – Pay-for-Performance: The Evidence

Chapter 10 – Pay-for-Performance Plans

Chapter 11 – Performance Appraisal

Articles & Websites:

Burton, N. (2012, May). Our hierarchy of needs: Why true freedom is a luxury of the mindPsychology Today.

This article summarizes one of the most prominent theories of human motivation – Abraham H. Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs.”

Chamorro-Premuzic, T. (2013, April). Does money really affect motivation? A review of the researchHarvard Business Review.

This scholarly article cites numerous studies on the motivational power of money to engage employees. In a nutshell, intrinsic motivation is much stronger predictor of job performance and satisfaction for most of us.

Oberoi, M., & Rejgarhia, P. (2013, April). What your performance management system needs mostGallup Business Journal.

This article defines “Performance Management” as a system designed to continuously improve and engage our human assets for competitive business advantage. It includes “rewards and recognition,” but only as one element of a larger human resources management system.

Use the following resource to assist you with your response for Unit 5.1 DB: Employee Engagement.

Dori Meinert. (2015, April). Is It Time to Put the Performance Review on a PIP? SHRM

This article seeks to make the case that Performance Reviews are dysfunctional at best and often destructive to productivity and morale.

Answer preview If you were the CEO of a company, what would you do to your compensation and benefits plan to make it effective in aligning employee behavior

If you were the CEO of a company, what would you do to your compensation and benefits plan to make it effective in aligning employee behavior


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