For this Performance Task, you will write a 3-part report in which you apply what you have learned over the past three modules about team effectiveness, employee health and well-being, and organizational change

For this Performance Task, you will write a 3-part report in which you apply what you have learned over the past three modules about team effectiveness, employee health and well-being, and organizational change

For this Performance Task, you will write a 3-part report in which you apply what you have learned over the past three modules about team effectiveness, employee health and well-being, and organizational change to the selection of a high-performance consultant team that must address the organizational challenges described in the following scenario:

Imagine that you are a lead I/O psychology consultant who was recently contacted by an international organization that is acquiring a smaller, regional company in the United States. The CEO of the U.S. company has identified several challenges: resistance to change, absenteeism, decreased motivation, and growing fear and hostility toward the new company’s international counterpart employees. In your role as lead I/O psychology consultant, you need to assemble a consulting team to work with the client organization to address the challenges.

To prepare for this Assessment:

Review Chapter 7 in the course text, Organizational Behavior. Re-familiarize yourself with the team effectiveness model.

Review the 10 profiles of potential consultants presented in the Module 1, Activity 1 media resource, Consultant Profiles. Using the team effectiveness model, select five consultants to be members of a high-performance consultant team. Be sure to consider the consultants’ prior experience and expertise in working with organizations to address the negative behaviors of resistance to change, absenteeism, decreased motivation, and growing fear and hostility.

Reflect on what you learned about employee health and well-being last week. Think about strategies that may be useful to help employees alleviate stress and negative attitudes associated with organizational change. Considering what you have learned about employee health and well-being and organizational change, identify strategies for addressing the challenges in the above scenario.

Read the Learning Resources on organizational change. Think about why employees resist change and strategies that may be used to overcome resistance to change.

Answer preview For this Performance Task, you will write a 3-part report in which you apply what you have learned over the past three modules about team effectiveness, employee health and well-being, and organizational change

For this Performance Task you will write a 3-part report in which you apply what you have learned over the past three modules about team


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