Defines mega-mergers and the legal criteria that must be satisfied in order for a merger to qualify as a mega-merger.

Defines mega-mergers and the legal criteria that must be satisfied in order for a merger to qualify as a mega-merger.

Defines mega-mergers and the legal criteria that must be satisfied in order for a merger to qualify as a mega-merger.  Compares and contrasts the benefits and detriments of mega-mergers by describing potential impacts on the companies involved, consumers, other businesses, and the economy.  Provides sound and rational bases upon which to conclude that mega-mergers should either be generally accepted or generally discouraged business practices.  Selects a minimum of two scholarly resources to support the conclusion drawn.  Individually responds to one other presentation and articulates a legal counterargument to the group’s conclusion. Uses legal precedent to defeat group’s conclusion or identifies laws to support conclusion.

Answer preview Defines mega-mergers and the legal criteria that must be satisfied in order for a merger to qualify as a mega-merger.

Defines mega-mergers and the legal criteria that must be satisfied in order for a merger to qualify as a mega-merger.


8 slides