Effect of Knowledge Conversion on Economic Growth in Industrial Sector in Saud

Effect of Knowledge Conversion on Economic Growth in Industrial Sector in Saud

Effect of Knowledge Conversion on Economic Growth in Industrial Sector in Saud

The research proposal shall include:

❖ Abstract shall include: (should be 150-250 word)
o Proposal: one sentence
o Design/methodology/approach: one sentence
o Key findings or implication

❖ Introduction shall include:
• Statement of research ‘problem’/ research issue
• At the end of introduction, you need to mention the purpose/aim/ objectives of the research.
Please refer to the attached Research Problem. Please don’t change the problem and use the same purpose/aim of the research.
❖ Literature review shall include: (summarize of the attached literature review)
• Define the concept.
• Themes.
• Hypothesis.
• Model.
Please You need to summarize and arrange the attached Literature review and use the same themes, Hypothesis and Research model.
❖ Proposed methodology shall include:
• The type of proposed methodology shall be quantitative as Questionnaires and explain why.
• Explain the proposed research instruments.
• Explain the proposed Sample and data collection process.
• Explain the proposed Data analysis.
• Explain the proposed Procedures.
• Explain the proposed Reliability and validity.
❖ Expected results and/or contribution to body of knowledge.
❖ Approximate time by which each stage will be completed.
❖ Significance: (what and how is the benefit of the research).
❖ Conclusion:
At the end of Conclusion, the Limitations and opportunities for further research shall be mentioned.
❖ References: (you referred to in your proposal).
• The Harvard system of referencing must be used, including a bibliography.

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Effect of Knowledge Conversion on Economic Growth in Industrial Sector in Saud


1805 words