Discrimination of the AIDS Population

Discrimination of the AIDS Population

Respond to peer discussion response. There should be 4 responses total. Respond to each peer initial discussion post. What are your thoughts on their post. Why do you agree or disagree with their post. Cite any sources used explain your reasoning. Ask questions that would deepen their thoughts on their post.

Discussion 1

Discrimination of the AIDS Population

In Chapter 13 of the text, the author gives an analogy concerning discrimination of the AIDS population.  It is under “Who Is Responsible for AIDS?” in the second paragraph.  Post your reaction to his analogy and comment on his statement “Groups of disposable people”.  What strategies/tactics can the Human Service worker apply/utilize to combat this type of attitude?  Respond to two of your classmates’ posts.

Answer preview to Discrimination of the AIDS Population

Discrimination of the AIDS Population


442 words