In what way(s) do these two Supreme Court justices disagree about the nature of citizenship in a democracy?

In what way(s) do these two Supreme Court justices disagree about the nature of citizenship in a democracy?

Introduction to Politics

Short Essay Items A, B, and C. Follow directions carefully. Please write your responses in this MS Word document in the space immediately following each essay question. Confine your answers to the length specified in each item.
Short Essay Item A.(5 pts). In Chapter 5 of the Lindsay and Glenn text, we encounter Chief Justice Earl Warren’s opinion in Reynolds v. Sims (1964). Suppose you were required to disagree with Chief Justice Warren’s opinion in this case and, in doing so, invoke Chief Justice Waite’s reasoning in the Minor v. Happersett (1874) decision. What would your response to Chief Justice Warren be? In what way(s) do these two Supreme Court justices disagree about the nature of citizenship in a democracy? Limit your response to one fully developed paragraph.

Short Essay Item B. (10 pts) Earlier in the semester, you wrote an essay discussing Chief Justice Morrison Waite’s opinion for the Court in Minor v. Happersett (1874). Recall that Waite’s opinion was rooted in an interpretation and application of the “privileges and immunities” clause of the 14th Amendment. Suppose you were transported back in time and had the opportunity to advise the justices of the U.S. Supreme Court on the path that interpretation of the 14th Amendment has taken in the 145 years since their controversial decision in Virginia Minor’s case. What provisions (language) of the 14th Amendment would you include in your discussion with the justices? What would you tell the justices about the relevance of the 14th Amendment to today’s conceptions of democracy? Limit your response to no more than two complete but carefully writtenwritten paragraphs.

Short Essay Item C.(15 pts) Return to Chapter 2 of Lindsay and Glenn’s Investigating American Democracy. Which of the “core questions” (please identify just one) raised by Lindsay and Glenn in Chapter 2 do you see as most directly informed by the work of Thomas Paine in Common Sense? Discuss your response in an essay of no more than two paragraphs in length. When considering the works of Chapter 2, you may decide to look at the preface to the chapter and the editors’ commentary therein. When doing so:
• Cite directly (and again with correct attribution – i.e. footnote, endnote, or parenthetic reference) to at least two of the authors we read/examined in Chapter 2 of the Lindsay and Glenn volume. Cite correctly, as well, to any language you find in Common Sense this helpful to your handing of this question.
• Proofread carefully for grammar/syntax, punctuation, and spelling,


Answer preview in what way(s) do these two Supreme Court justices disagree about the nature of citizenship in a democracy?

In what way(s) do these two Supreme Court justices disagree about the nature of citizenship in a democracy


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