Write an APA research paper about Decision-Making.

Write an APA research paper about Decision-Making.

Write an APA research paper about Decision-Making. The essay should be between 500-800 words. Research for scholarly/peer-reviewed materials from our Regent Library for decision making and problem solving techniques for your content. You want to find out about Decision making method(s) and write about it(them) in your paper. The content should involve at least one aspect of a Learning Objectives or Learning Outcomes, as mentioned in our previous Weekly Overviews.

For example, the essay could explain one good technique in detail or give the highlights of a few methods for decision making. You decide! Prepare a writing piece that explains how you would employ one or more of the decision making/problem-solving tools regarding a problem. It could apply to management, leadership, organizational or even personal decisions.

Remember to include Biblical integration in the paper. Follow APA guidelines for writing and referencing (e.g, a cover page, references page, proper headings within the paper, etc.). Our books are great resources too but would not count as research. Include at least two or more scholarly/peer-reviewed references in your paper.

Optional search suggestions include “Decision Making”, “Decision Making Tools”, “Decision Aids”, “Decision Techniques”, “Decision Making Methods”, “Decision Making Models”, “Financial Decisions”, “Improving Decision Making”, “Making Choices”, Group Decision Making” or “Framing”.

Heath, Chip and Heath, Dan. (2013) Decisive: How to Make Better Choices in Life and WorkU.S.: Crown Business. ISBN: 9780307956392

Harnish, Verne. (2012). The Greatest Business Decisions of All Timeby Verne Harnish & the Editors of Fortune, Forward by Jim Collins. New York. Published by Fortune Books. Print ISBN: 9781603204415, 1603204415 e-text ISBN: 9781603204415, 1603204415

Read: From the Decisive book, chapters 3 & 4 which expands on how to widen your choices

Timothy II, chapter 3 (The KJV is in our Course Resources)

Course Learning Outcomes (with match to Program Outcomes)

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

Examine the relationship between critical thinking and decision-making and how the leader can determine effective solutions.

Explain how they reached their decisions and how they would implement them in the organizational context.

Examine the processes and models used by good (ethical and effective) leaders to know when and how to make sound and practical decisions and how to implement them within the organization to solve problems.

Evaluate various decision-making techniques and problem-solving models and how these represent actual decision processes

Evaluate resources in terms of their usefulness for problem solving in various organizational scenarios.

Explore the relationship between critical thinking and decision-making and how the leader can determine effective solutions.

Explore the processes for recognizing problems, investigating and collecting relevant information, generating alternatives, assessing them, and leading the group or organization to commit to a good decision and its effective implementation.

Explain the factors influencing decision implementation in an organization.

Answer preview  Write an APA research paper about Decision-Making.

Write an APA research paper about Decision-Making.


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