Choose one item, related to the data aspects of information technology, particularly business intelligence, data mining, and data analytics

Choose one item, related to the data aspects of information technology, particularly business intelligence, data mining, and data analytics

Choose one item, related to the data aspects of information technology, particularly business intelligence, data mining, and data analytics, from any worthy (see page 3 for the definition of worthy) edited/QAed online source, such as MIT Technology Review, Wired, Ars Technica, TechDirt, Atlantic, The New York Times, The Washington Post, Christian Science Monitor Passcode, CNET, CIO, Information Week (that is not an exhaustive list), a TED Talk ( – you can also find TED Talks on YouTube) by anyone (e.g. Eli Pariser’s “Beware online ‘filter bubbles’,, or some of the films from the library’s extensive film collections, Films on DemandAlexander Street, and Kanopy. Look for their Computer Science & IT collections. An example is “Enterprise Automation: What You Need to Know”,

Compose and submit to the article review – “Summary and Analysis: Non-Academic” thread a structured post (a structured post has an overall introduction, an overall conclusion, and a developed body that flows well – generally at least a few paragraphs – at least 250 words for thearticle, not including the question text itself), using your own words.

Why you chose this item.

A brief summary of the main points that the author made in the item.

An analysis of the item. Points to address (all 7 of them):

Did the author have a clear purpose for the item? What makes you believe so?

Was this purpose accomplished? How?

Did the author present compelling evidence to support main points?

Does the item have gaps? What sort?

Did the author present the information in a way that readers would find appealing? In what way?

Is the world a better place for this item being written/given? How?

How does this item relate to the real world, either business-wise, or personally? If it doesn’t, state why.

Answer preview Choose one item, related to the data aspects of information technology, particularly business intelligence, data mining, and data analytics

Choose one item, related to the data aspects of information technology, particularly business intelligence, data mining, and data analyticsAPA

528 words