What evidence or analysis does the author use to show that a cyberwar is a myth

What evidence or analysis does the author use to show that a cyberwar is a myth

Review the following from your readings in Activity 7.1:

Cyber War Will Not Take Place (Links to an external site.), pp. 5-32 (Rid, 2012)

discussion.jpgPost and Engage

In a minimum of 450 words, discuss the following questions:

What evidence or analysis does the author use to show that a cyberwar is a myth?

What evidence can you point to that suggests that the author is right or wrong?

If the author is right, why is there so much talk of a potential cyber Pearl Harbor and do you think we are in danger of one?

After you have posted your response to these questions, review your classmates’ responses and respond to at least two of these postings. Each response is to consist of a minimum of 200 words.

Refer to the rubric for grading.

Answer preview  What evidence or analysis does the author use to show that a cyberwar is a myth

What evidence or analysis does the author use to show that a cyberwar is a myth


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