Explain how those 28 women also demonstrate part of the oral formulaic hypothesis.

Explain how those 28 women also demonstrate part of the oral formulaic hypothesis.

Any errors in title form, quotation or parenthetical reference in your answers will cost you ½ point each.
Other errors in mechanics will count ¼ to ½ point each. And be especially careful since you need to
distinguish the character Beowulf from the literary work Beowulf that also carries his name. You do not
have to cite (quote and provide a parenthetical reference) for any answer unless I specifically direct you
to do so. It is always in your best interest to give as complete an answer as the question requires, but
not to do more. If you write more than is necessary, you leave yourself open to making needless errors
or leaving unclear what you understand in the question I’m asking. Anything more or less than a
complete but concise answer may result in lost points.
Regular Questions (2 points each):
1. Towards which two men is Achilles’ anger most directed?
2. Explain where (give the page numbers only—no line numbers) 28 women are twice used to
demonstrate a heroic age culture’s objectification of women.
3. Explain how those 28 women also demonstrate part of the oral formulaic hypothesis.


Answer preview Explain how those 28 women also demonstrate part of the oral formulaic hypothesis.

Explain how those 28 women also demonstrate part of the oral formulaic hypothesis.


570 words